Podcasting Education - To all my friends, here are some links that will open a whole new world while using your iPod or most media players that come standard on you computer..
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcast - this gives a great definition of what podcasting is.
- http://www.ipodder.org/ - click on the download ipodder link to download the ipodder program. You can set this program up to automatically download new podcasts and send them to iTunes or Windows Media Player. There are many other aggregators out there, but this one is free and very easy to use and understand.
- http://www.podcastalley.com/index.php - Podcast Alley is probably the best place to do some research into different podcasts. It is also the place where everyone goes to vote for their favorite podcast(s), and where the podcasters go to see who is rated the best. When you start listening to podcasts you will hear most of them ask you to go to Podcast Alley to vote for them.
Here is a list of some of my favorite Podcasts:
- The Dawn and Drew Show
- Slashdot Review – a ten minute summary of tech news
- Geek New Central – another tech Podcast, lots of great content
- Daily Source Code – one of the first Podcasts. Hosted by Adam Curry.
- Earthcore – a Podcast novel.
- Slacker Astronomy – cool way to learn about the universe
- Speechless – awesome instrumental music
- WGBH Morning Stories – 10 minute stories from National Public Radio
Be sure to check Podcast Alley. You can search there by genre to narrow your search a little more. Hopefully this information is helpful. Enjoy your journey into the podosphere!!! If I can do anything to assist you just email me, or I'm sure I'll see you soon.
See ya.